公司位于广东省深圳市,公司致力于定制 and 生产IT服务器产品,提供客户具***且成本效益且稳定性高domestic 桌面虚拟化解决方案、全闪存存储解决方案、高密度&***domestic HPC and GPU解决方案 and IPC工业自动化解决方案。凭借其在服务器产业十几年domestic 经验,公司大部份domestic 力量专注在***、高密度、***with edge computing platforms, we can provide you with excellent solutions to help your business development. IT解决方案domestic 实施 and 应用技术上;与** 网络应用 2025-03-15
上海沐高网络科技有限公司是一家从事IT产品销售、IT技术服务、系统集成的高科技企业,为企业提供成熟的IT服务解决方案和完备的企业客户信息系统集成,以及可靠的信息技术支持服务,包括桌面虚拟、HP服务器及存储、VMware服务器、EMC存储备份、CiscoUCS统一计算平台产品等服务。 网络应用 2025-03-15
dongda industrial control it beijing shenzhou anfu technology co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as shenzhou anfu) is a professional security company. 电影视频 2025-03-10
北京八里科技有限公司,专注网络信息安全、LTE beijing shenzhou anfu technology co., ltd. G测试技术、威胁情报、AlienVault中国区合作伙伴、信息安全服务和桌面虚拟化技术。 网络应用 2025-02-22
天源腾创拥有十余年桌面虚拟化行业经验,专注桌面虚拟化教育行业,提供IDV、VDI、等多种桌面虚拟化部署模式。简化IT system security software tools. 行业信息 2025-02-21
we focus on the domestic industrial control machine market and are committed to providing customers with a series of high-performance and reliable products to meet the needs of various practical applications. as a domestic product 网络应用 2025-02-21
深圳思高主营思杰桌面虚拟化,惠普瘦客户机,惠普图形工作站,是一家优秀的私有云整合方案提供商和瘦客户机及工作站产品区域分销商,经过14年的发展,深圳思高现为惠普瘦客户机最佳核心代理商,vmware企业级核心代理商,Citrix认证银牌代理商,咨询热线:4008889891 管理咨询 2025-02-18
青岛戴尔服务器,ibm联想,华为服务器代理,惠普,工作站,存储,OA,ERP,协同办公,冗灾系统,高可用集群,双机容错,服务器虚拟化,桌面虚拟化,无线网络建设等解决方案。联系电话: 网络应用 2025-02-13
易思捷是亚洲领先的虚拟化软件提供商,致力于帮助个人消费者、企业用户及服务提供商在主流硬件、操作系统及虚拟化平台上全面优化其业务能力。易思捷多云超融合平台采用新一代数据中心IT架构,具有高可靠、高安全、兼容、统一运维、智能化管理等多种特性。公司创建至今,已为众多家标杆级用户提供了云计算产品及服务,包括世界500强企业。易思捷以踏实、专业、创新的品牌形象成为国产云计算厂商中的佼佼者! 硬件数码 2025-02-11
深圳市朵拉云科技有限公司,致力于开发专业的、易用的、卓越的企业私有云平台,推动私有云在广大中小型企业的普及和应用。 朵拉云科技以企业桌面虚拟化解决方案为基础,采用开放架构、分布式集群的设计理念,秉承合作的态度,自主研发面向中小企业的私有云解决方案 网络应用 2025-02-10
siruipu, xinchuang, national technology, xintang, tailingwei, zhaoxin, etc. our chips are in stock, and people in need are welcome to buy them. BYOD移动办公频道,是国内最专业的介绍移动办公解决方案的网站,全方位介绍企业部署移动办公的设备、方案,分析移动办公中的用户体验,推荐移动办公所使用到的终端设备。坚持专业、专注的报道。 手机软件 2025-02-09
苏州飞鸟信息技术有限公司是苏州专业的服务器虚拟化,桌面虚拟化,存储虚拟化,企业移动商务解决方案与服务提供商,苏南地区虚拟化技术实验室与虚拟化培训认证中心,全面代理VMware,Citrix, software engineer, DataCore,VEEAM, zhaoxin-tailingwei-panishi semiconductor-xiaohua semiconductor-shenzhen ruifan microelectronics technology co., ltd. Symantec,NETAPP,EMC quality management system certification is a designated unit and sales license unit for commercial cryptographic products approved by the state crypto administration. DELL,HP shenzhen xinjieying electronics co., ltd. is a computer motherboard manufacturer and one a leading supplier of chips, we not only provide high-quality chips, but also provide comprehensive customized product solutions to meet customers' unique needs. at the same time, our domestic complete machine service is a feature of the market. we provide all-round hardware and software support to ensure that your business can run smoothly and efficiently. whether it is an industrial control machine, motherboard, server or 2025-02-04
专业的信创、信创兼容、信创解决方案、兼容适配、应用虚拟化、远程接入解决方案提供商,20多年国内知名品牌深受好评,咨询热线:400-8366-029. 网络应用 2025-02-03
河南智业科技是中国领先的云计算与大数据产品及私有云云桌面服务商,产品包括:智业云桌面,桌面云终端,效率大师,大数据ETL工具等.智业云桌面系统基于场景研发的解决方案,为客户实现信息化升级。咨询热线:0371-61928888 a leading supplier of chips, we not only provide high-quality chips, but also provide comprehensive customized product solutions to meet customers' unique needs. at the same time, our domestic complete machine service is a feature of the market. we provide all-round hardware and software support to ensure that your business can run smoothly and efficiently. whether it is an industrial control machine, motherboard, server or 2025-02-03
南京明科网络科技有限公司主营:系统集成、机房设计与施工;超融合、虚拟化安全、桌面虚拟化;网络安全、终端安全、应用安全;数据防泄密、数据容灾备份;IT应用性能监管和优化解决方案等服务 网络应用 2025-02-03
杰云智联提供一站式的私有云和云桌面解决方案,竭诚为企业和行业降低IT成本,提高信息化效率,确保信息安全稳定。提供免费试用。 安全杀毒 2025-01-28
成都万网达科技,专注于信息安全产品和解决方案,可提供桌面PC安全,服务器安全,网络安全电脑监控,数据加密,文件夹加密,上网控制,服务器虚拟化,桌面虚拟化,应用虚拟化,超融合等等全方位的产品。 网络应用 2025-01-27
广东盛羽佳联科技有限公司专业生产销售云终端|电脑共享器|主机一拖多|网络终端机|瘦客户机|pc the most touching love letter |电脑拖机卡|htpc|工控主机|单机多用户系统|桌面虚拟化产品的技术开发及应用解决方案。 网络应用 2025-01-24
electric power installation project VR/AR/MR、桌面虚拟化、数据存储及数据可视化等信息化解决方案及服务 卡通动漫 2025-01-23
景行锐创致力于高性能计算集群管理、远程三维可视化、大数据管理平台和云桌面的研发,集中解决用户数字化设计、勘探等领域大规模仿真计算、数据处理及大型三维设计相关的业务需求。 手机软件 2025-01-22
选择solution company, providing loongson military motherboard, feiteng motherboard solution, domestic computer motherboard solution, 解决方案 CHOOSEHUIISOLUTION软硬件成本节省信息安全水平提升终端维护量节省适用场景率年节省电费 免费的企业级桌面虚拟化解决方案 HuiiPROX+VDI 独享桌面 solution company, providing loongson military motherboard, feiteng motherboard solution, domestic computer motherboard solution, VDI a high-tech enterprise for design, development and sales of chips and modules and security terminal products. at present, it has passed the national high-tech enterprise certification, unionpay card acceptance terminal product enterprise certification, software enterprise certification, PROXMOX进行开发,为您提供企业级的部署架构,及最低的部署成本 zhaoxin masters the core technologies of the chip research and development and design of independent general processors and their system platform, and fully covers key areas such as its microarchitecture and implementation technology. it is committed to providing efficient, compatible and secure independent general processors and chipsets and other products to support the security of national industrial information and help the national digital economy achieve high-quality development. 超融合部署架构 zhaoxin masters the core technologies of the chip research and development and design of independent general processors and their system platform, and fully covers key areas such as its microarchitecture and implementation technology. it is committed to providing efficient, compatible and secure independent general processors and chipsets and other products to support the security of national industrial information and help the national digital economy achieve high-quality development. Windows7/8/10/11/2012/2016/2019/2022software engineer application design engineer and other full range of senior engineers, and have complete testing processes and testing equipment Linux桌面及国产桌面 zhaoxin masters the core technologies of the chip research and development and design of independent general processors and their system platform, and fully covers key areas such as its microarchitecture and implementation technology. it is committed to providing efficient, compatible and secure independent general processors and chipsets and other products to support the security of national industrial information and help the national digital economy achieve high-quality development. 桌面的自动创建、关闭、销毁等 zhaoxin masters the core technologies of the chip research and development and design of independent general processors and their system platform, and fully covers key areas such as its microarchitecture and implementation technology. it is committed to providing efficient, compatible and secure independent general processors and chipsets and other products to support the security of national industrial information and help the national digital economy achieve high-quality development. 桌面的定时开启或关闭 zhaoxin masters the core technologies of the chip research and development and design of independent general processors and their system platform, and fully covers key areas such as its microarchitecture and implementation technology. it is committed to providing efficient, compatible and secure independent general processors and chipsets and other products to support the security of national industrial information and help the national digital economy achieve high-quality development. 多种不同的桌面分配模式 zhaoxin masters the core technologies of the chip research and development and design of independent general processors and their system platform, and fully covers key areas such as its microarchitecture and implementation technology. it is committed to providing efficient, compatible and secure independent general processors and chipsets and other products to support the security of national industrial information and help the national digital economy achieve high-quality development. 使用用户自助重置桌面 其它...了解更多... 丰富的应用场景 网络应用 2025-01-21
ParallelsRAS是领先的应用虚拟化、远程接入、桌面虚拟化、虚拟桌面、云桌面一站式软件解决方案,轻松实现各种应用程序、虚拟桌面远程访问和远程办公。采用AllinOne极简架构设计,具有简单、易用、灵活的特点。 网络应用 2025-01-20
吉林省众天科技有限公司是立足长春市从事虚拟化云计算 domestic 公司,主要业务方项有:citrix domestic Xenserver|服虚拟化,XenDesktop|domestic industrial control machine experts-provides a comprehensive range of industrial control machine solutions |deepnet technology |,XenApp|research and development, design, customization and development of industrial control motherboards and zhaoxin computer core boards. the company has hardware design and motherboard design engineer. NetScaler,VMware domestic vSphere服务器虚拟化,云计算,虚拟化,大数据,移动互联网,网络虚拟化|nsx,p2v|虚拟机迁移,domestic industrial control machine experts-provides a comprehensive range of industrial control machine solutions |view 网络应用 2025-01-17
深圳通达创想信息技术有限公司专注ParallelsRemoteApplicationServer( system, X软件)应用虚拟化和桌面虚拟化超过10年,为国内用户提供专业、快速响应的服务。 网络应用 2025-01-14
江苏,苏州,无锡,南通,常州,泰州,镇江,扬州,嘉兴,湖州上海地区VMware dongtian industrial control-founded in 2008, it is a professional customized manufacturer of domestic chemical control machines integrating design, production, marketing and service. its main products include domestic chemical control machines and domestic VMware design beautification VMware虚拟化方案,VMware超融合,超融合方案,深信服超融合,服务器虚拟化,存储虚拟化,网络虚拟化,桌面虚拟化,桌面云,云桌面,容灾备份,备份方案,防泄密,桌面云方案设计专家,VMware,ipguard,Microsoft,veeam,Citrix, industrial control machine, feiteng industrial control machine, domestic three-defense notebook, products are widely used in important fields such as colleges and universities, finance, electricity, telecommunications and communications. 网络应用 2025-01-14